The Plant Spirit Summit 2/22-26

The Plant Spirit Summit    2/22-26

Can psychedelics heal humanity’s global mental health crisis? If so, when will it be legal and accessible to all? I have some thoughts on this…

Check out my talk at the The Plant Spirit Summit...where I share some of my experiences with these shamanic healers from around the world.

Mental health disorders affect over a billion people worldwide. Prior to the pandemic, the 2017 Global Burden of Disease study estimated that 264 million people in the world suffered from depression only.

Since the start of the pandemic, rates of depression have tripled in the US, while rates of substance abuse from alcohol to opioids have risen 30%.

Psychotherapists might say that the root of this crisis is widespread trauma, the outcome of an increasingly unequal capitalistic culture exacerbated by financial uncertainty, and social isolation caused by the pandemic.

Shamans might say that the cause of this disease is humanity’s separation from Nature and Spirit; that the events of 2020 signified a shamanic initiation of planetary proportions, a warning sign of a civilization recklessly out of balance, and an urgent call for humanity to wake up.

What if both are right?

The acute need for a new way to address humanity’s mental and spiritual crisis has pushed the promise of psychedelic medicines to the forefront, making 2020 a banner year for drug policy reform and psychedelic therapeutics.

In spite of the pandemic, demand for underground ceremonies remains stronger than ever, as people seek out community, spiritual meaning, and alternative healing.

Join me, my friend and host Lorna Liana, and 40+ experts in a series of bold, inquisitive conversations about the future of psychedelic medicine and expansion of plant medicine shamanism.

This FREE online event runs from February 22-26!

This is not your boring academic conference filled with scientific presentations and cultural anthropology papers.

We celebrate the work of psychedelic research, but now, it’s more important than ever to raise awareness of how the ordinary person can participate in the “Psychedelic Renaissance” and access the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics… Safely, responsibly, and with integrity.

You’ll discover:

  • Ancestral Plant Spirit Healing Traditions (Ayahuasca, Iboga, Peyote, San Pedro, Sacred Mushrooms) as well as Kambô, and Bufo
  • The Past, Present & Future of Psychedelic Medicine
  • The Art & Science of Microdosing Transformation
  • Psychedelics & Leadership Innovation
  • And much much more!

Head here now to gain access to this diverse wealth of information from healers, experts, and scientists from around the globe!

Wishing you an abundance of health and happiness!

Jason Prall

P.S. Decriminalization, legalization, and medicalized psychedelics are advancing rapidly. Discover the impacts these developments may have on humanity’s mental well-being and capacity to thrive, as well as the risks of bad actors, corporate profiteering, and the perpetuation of colonialism in psychedelic medicine.

Click here now

How COVID-19 “Vaccines” may Destroy the Lives of Millions – Dr. Judy Mikovits/Mercola

How COVID-19 “Vaccines” may Destroy the Lives of Millions – Dr. Judy Mikovits/Mercola


• The COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It’s more accurately an experimental gene therapy that could prematurely kill large amounts of the population and disable exponentially more.

• Since mRNA normally rapidly degrades, it must be complexed with lipids or polymers. COVID-19 vaccines use PEGylated lipid nanoparticles, and PEG is known to cause anaphylaxis.

• Free mRNA can signal danger to your immune system and drive inflammatory diseases. As such, injecting synthetic thermostable mRNA (mRNA that is resistant to breaking down) is highly problematic as it can fuel chronic, long-term inflammation.

• Many commonly reported side effects from the COVID-19 gene therapy “vaccines” appear to be caused by brain inflammation

• Anyone with an inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease or chronic Lyme and those with acquired immune deficiency/dysfunction from any microbial pathogen, brain trauma or environmental toxin are at high risk of dying from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva About Bill Gates + Toxic Metals in Baby Foods + Time to Break Up Big Food Monopolies

February 8, 2021

RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything’

By Children’s Health Defense Team

In an interview with CHD Chairman RFK, Jr., Vandana Shiva warns listeners that if we don’t fight back against Gates and his empire, “They will own everything. You will own nothing … no commons, no public good, no shared values.”

Baby Food Makers Knowingly Sell Products With High Levels of Toxic Metals

A Congressional investigation found that many leading baby food brands contain high levels of inorganic …

Poll: 32% of Americans Oppose Government Vaccine Mandates

The new Zogby Strategies nationwide online poll of 1,000 U.S. adults also revealed that 27% of Americans believe COVID vaccines are unsafe.

Don’t Stop at Big Tech — We Need to Break Up Big Food Monopolies, Too

Some of the largest players in the food and agriculture sectors have been allowed to engage in anticompetitive mergers and practices that are as serious, if not more …

Dear The Defender: Here’s What the Media Got Wrong About Dodger Stadium Protest

In this letter to The Defender, veterinarian Armaiti May takes issue with how the media portrayed the Jan. 30 …

Deaths After Pfizer Vaccination at Spanish Nursing Home Aggravate Concerns + More

The Defender’s COVID NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines on COVID-19 and vaccines.

Coming Soon: The ‘Vaccine Passport’ + More

The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties …

What we’re reading …

You Make It Possible

Children’s Health Defense depends on generous donations from our community. Large or small, every donation gets us closer to achieving our goals.

Listen to what RFK, Jr. has to say.

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Children’s Health Defense |

Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Children’s Health Defense
1227 North Peachtree Pkwy, Suite 202
Peachtree City, Georgia 30269
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Some Nations Say ‘No Thanks’ to AstraZeneca Vaccine + EPA Approves Toxic Chemical ‘Air Treatment’ + Millions of Lives Can Be Saved if Nations Keep Climate Promises + More

ebruary 18, 2021

WHO Approves AstraZeneca Vaccine for Emergency Use, But Some Nations Say ‘No Thanks’

By Megan Redshaw, J.D.

The controversial vaccine, which Bill Gates has heavily invested in, is being rejected by some countries over widespread concerns about side effects and efficacy.

EPA Approves Chemical ‘Air Treatment’ Against COVID, Despite Known Health Hazards​​​​​​

Georgia and Tennessee are first states to gain approval to diffuse a chemical known to trigger asthma and …

New Study: Gardasil HPV Vaccine Contains Chemical Used in Biological Warfare

PMSF, a nerve agent, is used to manufacture HPV vaccines, but it is not supposed to be in the final …

Why Add to the Crowded Field of Academic Journals Publishing Vaccine Research?

John W. Oller, Jr., explains the mission of the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and …

Millions of Lives Can Be Saved — But Only if Nations Keep Climate Promises

Scientists writing in the journal Communications Earth and Environment say nations must reduce emissions by 1.8% a year — which means trying 80% harder — if …

WHO Investigation Into COVID Origins Fails ‘Sniff Test,’ Scientists Say

The WHO team in charge of inspecting the Wuhan Institute of Virology claims that it’s “unlikely” COVID escaped from the lab, but some scientists reject …

Many Top NBA Players Hesitant to Promote COVID Vaccines + More

The Defender’s COVID NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines on COVID-19 and vaccines.

Instagram Announces Policing of Private Direct Messages

The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties …

You Make It Possible

Children’s Health Defense depends on generous donations from our community. Large or small, every donation gets us closer to achieving our goals.

Listen to what RFK, Jr. has to say.

Become a Member | Donate Now

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Children’s Health Defense |

Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Children’s Health Defense
1227 North Peachtree Pkwy, Suite 202
Peachtree City, Georgia 30269
Contact us

The Web of Players Trying to Silence Truth



  • The Publicis Groupe, a leading PR firm, represents major companies within the technology, pharmaceutical and banking industries. These companies, in turn, have various partnerships with the U.S. government and global nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
  • Publicis is a partner of the World Economic Forum, which is leading the call for a “reset” of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life. As such, Publicis appears to be playing an important role, coordinating the suppression of information that runs counter to the technocratic narrative
  • The role of the free press is to counter industry propaganda. That role has been effectively subverted through advertising. News outlets rarely report on something that might damage their advertisers
  • Publicis connects to the drug industry, banking industry, NewsGuard/HealthGuard, educational institutions, Big Tech companies like Google, Microsoft and Bing, the U.S. State Department and Department of Defense, global technocratic institutions like the World Health Organization, national and global NGOs like the CCDH and the World Economic Forum, and dominating health websites like WebMD and Medscape
  • These connections, taken together, explain how certain views can be so effectively erased. The answer to this dilemma is transparency. We must expose the machinations that allow this agenda to be pushed forward