Most Read News of August From The Children’s Health Defense Vital Information!

September 3, 2021

My New Book — ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ — Now Available for Pre-Order

2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine

How CDC Manipulated Data to Create ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Narrative

Leaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine Agreements

Vaccinated People May Play Key Role in Aiding Evolution of More Dangerous COVID Variants, Study Says

Exclusive Interview: Mom Whose 14-Year-Old Son Developed Myocarditis After Pfizer Vaccine No Longer Trusts CDC, Public Health Officials

We’ve Never Seen Vaccine Injuries on This Scale — Why Are Regulatory Agencies Hiding COVID Vaccine Safety Signals?

Actress Sally Kirkland After Moderna Vaccine: In My 79 Years, I’ve Never Experienced This Level of Pain

‘Historic Win’: CHD Wins Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless

Physician Speaks Out Against ‘Vaccine Mandates for All’ — Especially Children and Those With Natural Immunity

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Children’s Health Defense |

Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Children’s Health Defense
1227 North Peachtree Pkwy, Suite 202
Peachtree City, Georgia 30269
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How CDC Manipulated Data to Create ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Narrative


Story at-a-glance:

  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House and most mainstream media, what we have now is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” with 95% to 99% of COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths being attributed to the unvaccinated.
  • To achieve that statistic, the CDC included hospitalization and mortality data from January through June. The vast majority of the U.S. population was unvaccinated during that timeframe.
  • By Jan. 1 only 0.5% of the U.S. population had received a COVID shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31% had received one or more shots and as of June 15, 48.7% were fully “vaccinated.”
  • Natural immunity offers robust protection against all variants, whereas vaccine-induced immunity can’t. The reason for this is because when you recover from the natural infection, you have both antibodies and T cells against all parts of the virus, not just the spike protein.
  • According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Delta variant is both more transmissible and more dangerous than the original virus and previous variants, but real-world data show it is actually weaker and far less dangerous, even though it does spread more easily.



The FDA’s house of cards wobbles as two of their top vaccine regulators resign in protests of the recent booster decisions. There’s a new syndrome in America…do you have it? It’s called ‘Fauci fatigue.’ Then, we are being told the Delta variant is surging in the U.S. and people are asking questions. So,

we are welcoming back Dr. Richard Bartlett, whose Budesonide treatment has been used around the world, to talk about his success with monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid patients. Then, Del sits down in-studio with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who has successfully treated thousands of Covid patients. He recently stood up for his beliefs in an explosive discussion with Rabbis you don’t want to miss. BEGINS AT 116.00 MINUTES POWERFUL TESTIMONIES!!!

Shocking number of deaths from the “C-Vax”


As of today, there are 13,627 deaths reported from the C-VAX submitted to the United States CDC VAERS database.*

A separate independent report was done of the VAERS databse by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc., and they found; “fewer than 1% of vax adverse events are reported.”**

That means the real number of deaths from the vax could potentially be 100x higher!

And in the past, just 50 deaths submitted to VAERS is about the maximum number before the drug is immediately taken off the market and a black label is put on.

But our government is full steam ahead pushing propaganda based in faulty science (violating 3 laws that the CDC gregiously violated which are meant to assure data integrity and oversight) claiming that this experimental drug is “safe and effective,” even with thousands of reported deaths to the database so far.

It’s heartbreaking to know that people — who trusted the government and their doctors with their health — are no longer with us today.

But I believe it’s important we do everything we can to educate ourselves and help protect our health and our family’s health.

Because you have a right to know what is happening.

And even if the media tries to keep it from us, we WILL get the truth. And the truth is, thousands of people around the world are seeing their health shattered by the very thing that’s supposed to protect us.

Now whether you go forward with the shot is completely up to you.

And if you’ve already taken it and are concerned, then I’m happy to tell you there are things you can do to protect yourself from dangerous long term side effects.

And even just as important, once you learn the strongest natural ways to strengthen your immune system and safeguard your health, you have nothing to worry about with C0VllD or the shot.

This free docuseries can provide you with many of the answers you need:

>> these are the “alternative” solutions they don’t want you to find out about

This goes way beyond a, “Vitamin C is good” and “take Vitamin D every day”.

21 of the world’s top experts are going to share the little-known solutions that are beating disease for thousands of people.

Some of these solutions have been around for thousands of years — and are currently buried by corrupt politicians desperate to push Big Pharma’s agenda.

Want to know what they are?

Watch this groundbreaking 9-part docuseries to discover powerful, natural solutions trusted by thousands to strengthen their body and safeguard their health.

Join 183,792 people signed up to watch Supplements Revealed today:

>> Sign up to get free access to this docuseries here.

Yours in health,

Nathan Crane
President, Panacea Community, LLC
Director, Health and Healing Club


Nathan Crane is a 20X Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker, Director, & Editor. He is a Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, and Plant-Based Athlete with 15+ Years in the Natural Health Field.

*Deaths submitted to VAERS are not clinically proven, they are submitted by Doctors, health professionals and individuals who believe they have had adverse events to the Vax, but they are an early warning sign that something could be incredibly wrong. See the data for yourself here.

**Here is the report created by Harvard stating that only 1% of adverse events are even reported – signifying that the real death count could be substantially worse.


Truth About COVID Vaccine (& Why It’s Harming Millions)
Jonathan Otto has interviewed over 30 experts, the majority of which are Medical Doctors (M.D’s), who are sharing their clinical findings, and their research in this complimentary docuseries. They will explore the risks associated with the health of your body as a whole, including brain health, autoimmune disease, and cancer risks. This is the information people are not talking about.

Join us in this amazing free life-changing event! Regardless of whether you or a loved one has received this “jab” or not, it’s essential that we get this information. AIRING LIVE NOW.