An Inspirational Message to the Unvaccinated Dr. Pierre Kory
Dr. Pierre Kory, who has been outspoken in his criticism of the COVID-19 shots, has shared a message that is circulating the internet. The message comes complete with an “award” — a certificate of achievement to all the unvaccinated for “surviving the greatest psychological fear campaign in human history.”
The written message goes on to say, “Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors …
They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones …
Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting,” now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed … You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”
John Smallman on August 29, 2022 You are all dearly loved – infinitely loved by our loving Father.
By John Smallman on August 29, 2022
Click here to listen to an audio clip.
You are all dearly loved – infinitely loved by our loving Father. You always have been and you always will be because the Love of God is eternal and unchanging. Therefore there is nothing you can do to alter this divine truth. As you live your human lives you frequently experience doubts about God’s love for you because, from early infancy, you have all experienced some, or maybe much, shaming and punishment by those who were responsible for your well-being, and having naturally assumed that those who are caring for you are good, you therefore concluded (in very early life!) that there must be something wrong with you. This sense of not being good enough, of being unworthy, is very deeply ingrained, and I want to help you to dissolve every aspect of it so that you can come to a deep understanding of its total invalidity, as you awaken to the realization of God’s infinite and eternal Love for you, Love without bounds or conditions of any kind. What God creates is unchangeably perfect. He created you and He wants you to know this eternal truth about yourselves.
In fact, deep within yourselves you do know this, and your awakening is about coming to full and constant awareness of this divine and unalterable truth, thus constantly feeling, experiencing, and delighting in the supreme joy of knowing yourselves as you truly are – eternally, inseparably, and most deeply in LOVE with God. Knowing yourselves as God knows you! And knowing that this is His Will and yours. You and M/F/G are in complete harmony in every moment, aware and fully engaged in the endless expansion of the Vastness that is Love. That state of being, your natural and original state, is eternal and unchanging, and you are awakening into full awareness of it.
To be fully aware, fully conscious, fully alive is God’s Will for you, and as you are eternally One with God it is also your will. You cannot not awaken, sleep is a very temporary and unreal break away from your natural state of being, a state of forgetting your true divine nature, it does not serve you, and so you will let it go.
Before you incarnated for this present lifetime you were fully aware and fully enjoying the oneness of Love that you are within the Presence that is God. And you also knew, having most courageously and enthusiastically volunteered to be physically present as humans in form to assist in humanity’s grand awakening, that this present human life experience would be very demanding and might also involve much pain and suffering. And yet you incarnated – most willingly! Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms you are most highly honored . . . and rightly so! Please start honoring yourselves, it is the Will of God that you do so, that you honor Her divine creation.
Call on us – me, saints, loved ones, who are always watching over you – for help and comfort whenever you doubt yourselves. As a well-known saying states: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” And you are far tougher and more powerful than you can possibly conceive of when you use only your human intellects to understand what life as a human is all about. Just remember that you are never alone!
When you take your daily quiet time to commune with us, allow yourselves to just relax into your holy inner sanctuaries without expectations. Allowing is essential. Allowing is surrendering to the energy field of Love within which you are always present, even though you can hardly feel its Presence embracing you. When you do this you will find your worries and anxieties reducing in intensity or even evaporating while you rest there. You do need to do this at least once daily, more often if you can spare the time, because doing so refuels your human energy fields, and then you find within yourselves the intuitive sense, the inner knowing that all is as it should be, and that you are where you are meant to be, doing and being the energy field of Love that is enthusiastically encouraging humanity’s awakening and bringing it to fruition.
Yes, humanity is awakening, and you are doing enormously important work in ensuring that it comes to its most wonderful fruition. Do NOT doubt yourselves, or your purpose. You are all – absolutely NO exceptions – making a massive contribution to this divine plan. It could not be happening without even one of you. You are each essential and unbreakable links in the divine chain of the awakening process.
Doing is a human activity that has been very helpful for you as you have been living your lives in the illusory state you constructed to experience separation. It has enormously expedited your spiritual evolution as you have evolved in form and thus come to a greater understanding of what your purpose is as a human – remembering who you really are.
Being is your natural state where your thoughts are instantly implemented. Thought is what creates, there is no doing – no hard work – involved. Thoughts are choices you make to share and extend the infinite energy field of Love in which you all participate in every moment of your eternal existence. They are harmonious cooperative events that bring intense joy to all involved as they burst into bloom. They are not extremely difficult intellectual exercises like those that humans work with to concoct new consumer devices, or that help scientists, through reasoning, to more fully understand your material environment, and, perhaps, attempt to control it. Thoughts flow beautifully for the greater glory of God.
So I confirm, humanity is awakening, and all of you are making it happen. Keep resetting your amazing and most powerful intent to bring that awakening into being by . . . Being! Being is totally natural, and as you become more accustomed to just allowing yourselves to be, your peace and contentment will effervesce.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While BattlingBattling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex
- John Leake, a true crime author, and Dr. Peter McCullough have written a new book, “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex,” revealing the crimes perpetrated by the medical industrial complex against patients, doctors and the public at large
- What we’ve seen during these COVID years is a reversion back to a pre-scientific era of immutable orthodoxy, much like the counter reformation in Europe during the Inquisition in the late 1500s and early 1600s. There was no due process then and there’s no due process now
- The American Board of Internal Medicine is threatening to revoke McCullough’s certification — which essentially would shut down his ability to be employed — because in fair-balance he “made public statements that may lead to someone not taking a vaccine”
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention need to be held to account for their reckless public health decisions, but the real power base behind these COVID crimes, which must also be held to account, is the medical industrial complex — a conglomerate of international foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the World Economic Forum
- In order for there to be a reckoning, a sufficiently large portion of the population must demand accountability, stay on-task, and not allow themselves to be distracted by the latest “emergency,” whether real or fabricated
THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While BattlingBattling the Bio-Pharmaceutical ComplexThis is the most compelling book I’ve read in a long time. I finished it in just over a day. A true crime story of the ages. What is presented here is more than just a story of the most challenging battle of our time, but of the courage of the warriors that have had the strength and grace to step into the battle for the sake of us all. I am forever grateful for the work of these heroes, and their wisdom and courage has carried me through these dark times. God bless Dr. McCollough. A true super-hero along with the other great doctors standing alongside him in this epic true crime saga.Steven HamI’ve been a skeptic of our government, agencies, big pharma, & big medicine from the beginning and have spent countless hours trying to uncover truth from the propaganda and suppression of truth practices by the “Big Junta”. I was familiar with most of the content of this book, having confirmed the truth from various sources by diligent study over the past two years. This book is a must-read for anyone who values “truth” over propaganda. I’m just flummoxed that there are so few authentic physicians in our broken system who were/are willing to learn the truth & to counsel their patients accordingly. Dr McCullough is a national hero whose efforts have saved thousands of lives through unremitting promotion of early, outpatient treatment (which I used successfully when I contracted Covid in Dec 2021). God bless these gentlemen in their courage to face the corrupt lions in the arena of public health. Highly recommended.I liked everything about this book, The Courage To Face Covid-19. Dr. McCullough and John Leake have given us a remarkable insightful education on how to face Covid-19 from all angles. This book is packed full of wisdom allowing us to exercise discernment with freedom and peace of mind. Thank you to you both for shedding Light on the dark, and for your acts of integrity, compassion, presence, and courage. From my heart, I am eternally grateful, S. MichelsenAfter being fully vaccinated and double-boostered, I contracted COVID last month. Two days after testing positive, my doctor prescribed Azithromycin. My symptoms (persistent cough, respiratory infection, sore throat, and extreme fatigue) began to diminish after two days of treatment. My wife also tested positive about four days after me, and she was also treated with Azithromycin. She started to improve about two days after taking the medication. One of my friends, a Congressman, tested positive at the beginning of the pandemic. We have the same doctor. He prescribed Hydroxychlorquine for the Congressman. Evidently, it was still available for prescription at that time. This Congressman was subsequently a guest on “The View,” and he was criticized for taking that medication, although he said that it helped him.
I agree that Big Pharma was responsible for restricting treatments that could have saved thousands of lives. I recommend this book enthusiastically and without reservations.Jan F.This book was very good and packed with information that is very distressing about our public health system in the U.S. It is very important that the doctors that voiced independent opinions on the pandemic be recognized, and this book is a good start. Robert F. Kennedy’s book is also very thorough and also well done. However, this book reads like a novel and is a much easier read.Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2022
Verified PurchaseEveryone needs to read this book! It absolutely breaks my heart to know that hundreds of thousands of people around the world — mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, grandparents — all could have been saved and could be with their loved ones right now if only they listen to Dr. McCullough instead of dismissing his global research. The corruption and greed of the government health agencies, pharmaceutical companies and media pushing their agenda is pure evil. For these evil people, just remember, good wins in the end. Dr. McCullough is a true HERO! Doctors take an oath. While most doctors were intimidated to speak up and went along with the flow based on the pressure, forgetting their oath, Dr. McCullough risked his reputation and livelihood to actually save the lives of our loved ones. God Bless you & your family Dr. McCullough, and THANK YOU!This is a must read, to grasp a timeline of what has transpired in these last few years. It is a real page turner which reads like an old-time detective story with unbelievable, but true, twists and turns as every rock is looked under. There are heroes and villains in this book, that history will both vindicate as well as castigate. If you are looking for the few brave doctors who followed not only the science but also their hearts, you will find them here in the annals of this must-read record of current history. Brave men deserve to have recognition and the greed and cowardice of others needs to be exposed.
God bless these men of valor for doing the right thing in making pubic such a book as this.
Brother AlbertMankind has been infested with despots since time began. The book describes how it was once a necessary characteristic to organize civilization for success. Now our civilization is pretty well established, those despots still seek dominance over others. If we allow it, they will continue. Read this book to learn what you’re up against, and decide whether you want to enable it. It’s up to you.
Free Live Meditation Experience A Powerful Field of Oneness.. Wed. 12pm Pacific Time
Activating your Multidimensionality Saturday and Sunday, Aug 27 & 28
Next-Free Global Distant HealingSaturday August 27, 6-7pm PDT
Let’s Meditate Together! -> Energizing Your Humanness 11am Pacific Time to meditate together!
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Allow Yourself to Be Lifted Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light.
new message channeled by Ailia Mira on August 18, 2022Dearest Ones,
We greet you in love.
We are HERE for you.
We say this often. Lately.
We mean it. We are here for you!Call upon us whenever you like. We are happy to connect.
The inner space within each of you now is being refined. The inner light is expanding and you’ve felt the brilliance of it, the intensity of it, which is quite different than you’ve known before. Let yourself heart soften and open now. We shall speak.
Light within you is accelerating now. And the patterning needed to shift into infinite time is being woven within your being. Within your awareness. This will then replicate in your physical form, naturally, on its own, once the patterning is laid down. You do not need to do anything. But staying relaxed, rested, hydrated…
Eating meals that are not too heavy and moving your body when it feels right can support you in this.
There is much to be done on the inner planes, but the vastness of being and the presence within you that is your eternalness, are creating the shifts now. Your role is to allow yourself to change, to be lifted. To be as soft as you can about your identity now, and about what you think is going to happen.
If possible, it would be nice to be open, and see what the day brings. Each day. And throughout the day. Be as if you’re aware that there is a history of expecting things to be the same, or a certain way, but you’ve let that go. If you can remember this choice of being open to what the day gives you, and also acknowledge that you’re open now, welcoming what comes, and what is available to you, this will give you peace.
Participate each day as if you sense that this Life might surprise you, that you know on some deep inner level, that more might be going on. That Life and your life, may open up more, at any time, anywhere, while anything is happening — and you’re up for it! You’re willing to flow freely and are open to what does occur. That would be useful.
Spending time just being, and enjoy stillness and resting and quiet. Notice your body, and how it feels. Make yourself comfortable.
Enjoy your body and give it all the things it loves.Take pleasure in being physical. Allow yourself to rest deeply and relax. Enjoy your senses.
Celebrate the beauty, the tremendous abundance all around you. That is also helpful right now.
Loving yourself is something you’re getting very good at. More and more, you are kind to yourself! We are so pleased to see this. You also feel quite at peace, and calm. This is also wonderful to see. It is appropriate. And it helps your life to feel sweet and steady.
Do what calls to you. Create beauty, take in nature, your friends, your pets, your meals, your entertainment, your work, and enjoy your experience. We’re not saying too much about how all this is unfolding, on the inner planes, because thinking about it doesn’t help too much right now.
What does help? The things we’ve mentioned and we would say this, which we are aware is somewhat redundant, but still we’ll say it anyway: loving yourself with the most generous, and gentle and sweet care is a beautiful and aligned way to be with All That Is. That would be great right now. And also, wishing others well. Imagining that everything will transition and shift, gently, and as each of you are ready and open to this.
Know that you are right where you need to be to have the experience the Infinite wants to have. Your Greater Self who loves you very much, who is you, is guiding this experience now, your experience of this great unfolding. This shift to the return to Oneness, that is being initiated, in form, in your world and in your species, now. It is happening. It is unfolding beautifully and you are playing your part. And we thank you.
So send one another love. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Love yourself playfully, and with warmth. Wish the best for one another. Take no pleasure in anyone suffering, or in some kind of idea of judgement or justice. Drop any smidgen of smugness that you may be holding onto. What is happening is FOR EVERYONE. Know that everything is part of this glorious ONE that we are. And all souls know this and so deep within each and every human being is a brilliant eternal light shining forth. Even if it is somewhat, or you think, perhaps mostly being ignored, or even somewhat rebelled against. Or we might add the thought — distrusted.
Imagine that? With compassion, consider it. Imagine, that beautiful clear true voice within you being ignored, or treated with mistrust. Imagine what you must experience life as if that was how you felt. Then send love to anyone in that experience. Be generous. Be kind. Be thankful.
Wish that all human beings might feel safe, have that glorious feeling of an inner awakening and know the ABUNDANT love that is here for them. That all Life on Earth might open inwardly to their own brilliant light.
We love you very much.
We are complete. I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light.
Spirituality. Authenticity. Creativity.
We are One ∞ Embody + Express Your Truth
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