The Cosmic Christmas Celebration, is An Artainment Experience Designed to “Inspire, Delight, Heal and Enlighten.” This uniquely beautiful, transcendental program, artistically integrates some of the most sublime and exhilarating religious, spiritual and joyous music of all time with pristine computer graphics, sacred geometries and natural imagery. Through advanced computer editing and a deep sensitivity to the profoundly beautiful musical score one is initiated into the world of truth, beauty, goodness, love and oneness. This is a universal program for a universal audience and is rated FE…For Everybody … Enjoy! Happy Holydays!! Produce And Directed By Da Vid Raphael MD Founder, Director of The LIGHTPARTY.COM
Classical Holiday Favorites: Comfort, Joy, and Peace Whenever Your Spirit Needs A Lift.
Inspired Musical Messages
Designed To “Inspire, Delight, Heal & Enlighten”Our Future is Infinitely Bright An Inspirational Holiday Message from Master Morya*
This coming year will bring you and all light workers the fulfillment of all your plans and visions for your new life, for a new life for the world and a vastly expanded field of service. The world will move through a tremendous transition into this new life and civilization built on a widely recognized and deeply experienced Oneness.
The last vestiges of the old control and manipulation structures will be swept away, and all those who live by them will be banished from Earth.
The long planned, carefully designed and implemented Plan for the New World of Light, Love and Joy on Earth will fully emerge, and rejoicing will resound through every radiant facet of the planetary diamond known as beloved Gaia Earth.
All lives on Gaia Earth will sing in one glorious chorus of celebration and sharing as She fulfills her inevitable destiny of being the radiant planet of Light in full communication and cooperation with the great civilizations of our solar system, this galaxy and infinite universes.
Received by Gordon Asher Davidson on Thanksgiving November 24, 2022 from Master Morya, *Master Morya is a great Ascended Master of Will, Power and Ultimate Purpose working with Councils of Light on Planetary, Solar Systemic and Galactic levels, in co-creation with light leaders around the world for the liberation and ultimate Ascension of Gaia and all beings in the human and natural world.
To learn more: See the book The Transfiguration of Our World: How a Light Alliance Is Transforming Darkness and Creating a New Earth
Preview YouTube video Lindsey Stirling – Joy To The World (Official Music Video)
Preview YouTube video Peace Love & Light
Preview YouTube video Moody Blues Medley