Dear DaVid,
What began as “two-weeks to flatten the curve” has morphed into blatant fear mongering, unethical mandates and a state of emergency with no end in sight despite a 99.6% recovery rate in Americans under 65 as confirmed by the CDC.
For almost two years now the news has been dominated by one story: a global pandemic that has isolated the elderly, shuttered businesses, closed schools and created trauma for young people.
Now we are seeing mass firings of medical professionals, mandates from the federal government to businesses and countless first responders promising to walk off the job if they are forced to be injected against their will, religious beliefs and personal convictions.
Across the globe people are being told they will lose their jobs, their freedom and even their ability to shop for food if they don’t comply with government mandates that so many medical professionals have now openly rebelled against.
Now, a group of respected professionals with backgrounds in medicine, law, education, and activism have joined forces to produce an event that seeks to provide an opposing view, highlight areas of willful misconduct, and showcase viable solutions and pathways forward.
On October 14th, 15th and 16th, they will be presenting COVID CONFERENCE ’21 SOLUTION SUMMIT.