Sunday, January 8th, 2023 at 6 PM (PST). Limitless Outpouring of Divine Healing Light’s Holy Fire,

Dear Ones,



This Sunday, January 8th, 2023 at 6 PM (PST) Pacific Standard Time try to put the outer world aside for just an hour and Come to the Oasis of Light’s Healing Peace…

To Be Enfolded in the Limitless Outpouring of Divine Healing Light’s Holy Fire, Divine Love and Harmony from God’s Cosmic Heart and which surpasses all understanding; and which will keep expanding for you though each Service you join, as only The Great Host of Light are in Control of these Divine Services and Their Healing Light Radiation coming through us…



Please Note: This week we continued to receive many thank you letters, questions, requests, asking for healing help, so rest assured we continue to Decree for you and yours daily; and we will give illumination in our upcoming Services that will address your questions and needs…

We also do appreciate your patience in our replies back to each one as we are trying our best to keep up with all of the inquiries.


We will continue to Decree for the Protection, Sustenance and Expansion of all the Good coming your way from attending the Healing Decree Services with us. All credit goes back to God!



Below is the recurring Zoom Link for our Healing Decrees Service this coming Sunday, January 8th, 2023 as always Live Services are Free and start at 6 PM, PST (Pacific Standard Time).


Passcode: 777



As many of you know these Services form The Eternal Pillars of Light throughout the earth through our collective Calls to the Great Host of Light for Their Help to mankind for Healing, Illumination, Harmony, Wisdom, Freedom and Protection of all that is good; and dissolving and consuming of all discordant creation whether in one’s own life, body, mind, feelings, being and world, or for one’s family, relationships, persons, places, conditions, things, our Nations, Earth, this world and beyond; all of which may require some sort of Resolution and Help of Healing and Illumination from the Higher Octaves of Light which is the Source of all Divine Perfection, All Powerful and All Knowing Divine Intelligence and Supreme Happiness Eternal.


Sunday, January 8th, 2023 at 6 PM (PST).

Always Free of Charge.


This Service, besides Special Healing Decrees for the year ahead, we’ll share more special Gifts of Powerful Healing Sounds that originate in the Spheres of Light and which are Gifted to Beloved Mariana in the Infinite Realms of Light.


As always we will also be focusing on the Calls to the Cosmic Christ Light and the Sacred Fire for the Healing of our bodies, minds, feelings, beings and worlds, as well as our atmosphere, environment, and our etheric bodies; especially the Powers of Nature and Forces of the Elements in this world.


We will also Decree for the Healing and Illumination of all mankind and our world, as well as for the family relationships which all need much Healing throughout our Nation and the world.



All Healing Decree Services are always free of charge and all who need Help in any avenue of their lives that needs any type of Healing and Illumination are welcome to join.


As always, your names are not displayed and your privacy is always kept confidential and never shared.


Feel Free to SHARE this Link and invite your loved ones.


Dr. Mariana Light, who has been selflessly Ministering through God’s Light for mankind for many decades in this embodiment is our Divine Sponsor as always.



All the Miracle Healings, Illumination, Help and Resolutions that come forth from these Light Services to you is our Glad Free Gift of Love back to Life and to our own Creator, our “I AM” Presence of God Individualized and the Great Cosmic Host of Light, Who are all ONE, and Who are the Only and True Healer and Doer through the outer selves, therefore we take no personal credit for any of the outcomes, as God is the only Doer and the only Source of all that is Good.



Come and Enjoy this Light’s Outpouring and Radiance of Divine Love and Peace!



We Love and Bless and Thank you always,

YES Team of Eternal Freedom to all Life 


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