Breaking: CDC Endorses Pfizer Shot for Kids 5 – 11 + ‘Fauci Fooled America’ + More

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November 2, 2021
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Breaking: CDC Advisors Unanimously Endorse Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine for Kids 5-11 Despite Expert Concerns Over Clinical Data

‘Brought to You by Pfizer’: Pharma Giant Spends More on Ads, News Sponsorships, Than Research​​​​​​

WATCH: Sen. Johnson Holds Expert Panel on COVID Vaccine Injuries, Federal Vaccine Mandates​​​​​​

Nature-based Solutions Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis — They Just Make the Rich, Richer​​​​​​

Pretending We Can Vaccinate Our Way Out of This Pandemic Is Dangerous — Especially for Kids​​​​​​

Researcher Blows Whistle on Data Integrity Issues in Pfizer’s Vaccine Trial

Prominent Scientists Go Public: ‘Fauci Fooled America’​​​​​​

Women Remain Most at Risk of Brain Vein Clots After J&J Vaccine + More​​​​​​

From Boeing to Mercedes, a U.S. Worker Rebellion Swells Over Vaccine Mandates + More​​​​​​

Dr. Paul Thomas: CDC Protects Vaccine Program, Not Kids’ Health​​​​​​

Nov. 3: Join Kick-Off of ‘Worldwide Walkout,’ a Global Protest Against Government Overreach​​​​​​

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Children’s Health Defense |

Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Children’s Health Defense
1227 North Peachtree Pkwy, Suite 202
Peachtree City, Georgia 30269
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Canceling the Spike Proteins Due to vaccinations Great News!!. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Canceling the Spike Protein From Current COVID 19 INJECTIONS

Striking Visual Evidence. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

This is a highly detailed scientific analysis Re: the Spike protein issue and most importantly how to effectively mitigate the damage inflicted from the spike proteins which are generated in the body from the Vaccinations!


High Dosages of Vitamin C to the rescue along with other suggested nutritional protocols

CDC COVID-19 Conduct Must Be Investigated sBe proactive Pls sign petition



Thanks to our advocates, over 55,327 emails have been sent to key congressional committee members regarding the need for an investigation into the CDC’s death certificate data disaster and 41,201 names have been placed on our petitions to urge assistant U.S. attorneys nationwide to convene a special independent grand jury investigation into the CDC’s conduct during COVID-19.

With each passing week, it continues to become clear that an investigation—free of conflict-of-interests—into the CDC’s conduct surrounding COVID-19 is desperately needed. Here is how you can help, now!

1️⃣  Learn The Latest
Stand for Health Freedom Executive Director and Co-founder Leah Wilson recently interviewed Dr. Henry Ealy, lead author on five research papers about COVID-19 related to public health policies. His COVID Research Team has dedicated more than 20,000 hours to investigating all aspects of COVID-19, with the aim of their findings being used to empower advocates like you as well as elected officials, attorneys, professional organizations, and the general public to make informed decisions and to take action!

Thanks to Dr. Ealy and his team, Stand for Health Freedom, has solid evidence that the official COVID numbers being reported are not accurate. Moreover, these numbers have been skewed to incite fear and invoke public policies that have radically changed how we as a society work, worship, learn, move about society and interact with others, including our own family members. The United States has been in a state of public health emergency for well over a year now. We cannot idly sit by and allow agencies that are entrusted with protecting our health to invoke bad policies, keep us in a state of perpetual lockdown, or engage in acts of potential willful misconduct at the expense of our basic human rights.

2️⃣  Use Your Voice

Your voice matters—get inspired to talk to your family members, neighbors and community about the irrefutable truth that is surfacing each week alongside the questionable motives emerging; ask critical questions, share published research and invite them to watch the peer-reviewed and published experts that the mainstream media willfully ignores.
3️⃣  Easy Steps You Can Take
Take a stand and call upon U.S. Attorneys and key members of Congress to investigate the CDC’s conduct.

✔ Step One: Take Action by adding your signature today to join our petition to call on key U.S. Attorneys to investigate the CDC’s conduct through a formal Grand Jury investigation.

✔ Step Two: Take Action by sending a letter to ask members of Congress to formally investigate the CDC’s conduct during COVID-19 through congressional hearings.

“It is incumbent upon you to do your homework and be a part of your own rescue because the people who are in positions of power right now are abusing their power. They are corrupt, and they do not have our families and our children’s best interests at heart. And their actions prove it over and over again, regardless of the lies they continue to spill out of their mouths. … We cannot protect our children by being polite and silent about this anymore. It is incumbent upon us to be the shield that protects our families, and the way we do that is through knowledge and love.”– Dr. Henry Ealy

In Solidarity

Stand for Health Freedom


P.S. Dr. Ealy appeared in Stand for Health Freedom’s CDC Data Disaster panel event this past February, where a panel of experts discussed why we should be concerned about death certificate data, why accuracy, integrity and transparency are so important during a public health crisis, how the CDC set the stage for widespread devastation — physical, psychological and economic, and some simple steps we can take so that incidents of this magnitude never happen again.

P.S.S. Support our efforts in growing the health freedom voting bloc by donating here.




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COVID Revealed:Exposing Lies & Misinformation10 Experts Reveal the Truth

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COVID Revealed:
Exposing Lies & Misinformation
10 Experts Reveal the Truth
Movie Premier Tue, Nov 30
Free Online Event with Dr Joe Mercola, Sayer Ji, Dr Peter McCullough, Del Bigtree, Dr Robert Malone, Megan Redshaw, John Stockton and more!
The most thorough group of medical experts, scientists, researchers, and advocates have been gathered in one place for one purpose: To Tell “The Unfettered Truth”, and we hope it spreads like wildfire.
Will you join us?
In short… You’re being lied to.
We pull back the curtains, and you get a front-row seat.
Full transparency. That’s the only path forward as we expose the entire world to credible experts whose voices must be heard.
There is much, much more to the COVID story than the mainstream media is allowing you to see.
What is the real risk to you and your family?
Can ‘they’ really assert that vaccines are “very safe”?
Are all these shutdowns, mandates, and radical actions worth it?
Is there a safer alternative than the vaccine?
Is the vaccine controversy really over?
Who’s controlling the WHO and the CDC?
That was almost two years ago.
What changed? MORE mandates and restrictions.
What has not been exposed is the unblemished truth.
Instead, there’s greater censorship and suppression than any issue in history.
Narratives have changed so fast you have chronic whiplash. Flip-flopping from one stance to another has been commonplace.
Big Tech is now a puppet master. Mainstream media has driven their narrative exclusively.
Anyone falling out of line is being canceled, fired, de-platformed, sued, harassed, and even had their lives threatened.
It’s a new reality for doctors and even highly published medical experts. But they risk everything to share the critical truth with you.
Falling on deaf ears as more and more cities, states, and governments pass ever-stricter regulations on masks, vaccines, and closures. There is simply no room available for an opposing view, expert or not.
Private businesses are falling under greater pressure to hold jobs hostage if employees don’t line up for the jab. They’re turning away customers without proof of vaccination. All this is being done for “your safety. With no debate. With no exception. The line has been clearly drawn, and it’s no longer in the sand. It’s cemented in the ground, and it appears there will be no compromise.
Religious exemptions are being ignored and denied.
Additional doses are now being urged on more and more people. In short, your body is no longer yours to control. And there is no end in sight. And they’re just about to start on the children any moment now…
The slide in education for school-aged children is devastating.
The explosion in mental health issues is historic.
The loss of jobs, businesses, savings, and wealth was greater than the Great Depression.
TRILLIONS were spent to prop it all up. Was it all worth the dramatic and extreme actions? Hindsight gives us some clues, and it’s not pretty.
Watch and learn the truth. The buried research. The secret agendas. The incomprehensible profits. The real loss of life and health.
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