“Mikki Willis “Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus. Truth Is the Cure,”

Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus. Truth Is the Cure,”

Editorial Reviews


“Mikki Willis is the Paul Revere of the rebellion against the burgeoning totalitarianism of the Biosecurity State. Willis’ incendiary film, Plandemic, sparked the seeds of revolution in a billion open minds and ignited the dangerous global conflagration of critical thinking.”
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder, Children’s Health Defense
“Mikki Willis is a visionary who saw what was happening in our world before almost everyone else and has managed to explain it beautifully in film and print. Read this book to understand the world you live in!”
—Dr. Meryl Nass, biological warfare epidemiologist
Plandemic is a brilliant documentary and book that has trailblazed the revelation of the truth to humanity.”
—Vladimir Zev Zelenko, MD
“In the future the world will likely be divided into two groups: those who knew it was a Plandemic and those who believed The Lie. To be sure, no one will report that ignorance was bliss.” 
—Del Bigtree, host, TheHighWire.com
“Mikki Willis is a courageous journalist who exemplifies what good men are capable of when standing for principles and the truth.”
—Lara Logan, award winning investigative journalist
“In the history of journalism there has never been a documentary or book more important for the moment and more feared by the establishment.”
—Ben Swann, award winning investigative journalist
“Mikki’s commitment to uncovering truth overrides any of his partisan beliefs. He’s brilliantly compiled a captivating must-read to explain the censorship and tyranny that ensued once the pandemic began.”
—Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder, Mercola.com


About the Author

Mikki Willis, is a father and independent investigative filmmaker. After digging for survivors under the rubble of the World Trade Center in 2001, Willis experienced an awakening that reshaped his life and profession. Since then, his productions have been used to correct divisive narratives about historic events, and as key evidence in major international court cases. His most recent production, PLANDEMIC, is the most seen and censored documentary series of all time.