Petition: Tell the Department of Justice to Prosecute Trump

Ask the House January 6 committee to formally refer criminal charges against Donald Trump to the attorney general.

Dear MoveOn member,

The January 6 select committee is outlining a wide-ranging criminal conspiracy to sabotage the 2020 election, with Donald Trump at the center.
But it seems there’s still debate within the committee over what their next move should be after the hearings. While the committee can investigate and share its evidence with the public, it does not have the power to prosecute, a power that sits with Attorney General Merrick Garland or state prosecutors.
Many have expected the committee to make a “criminal referral” after the hearings—a formal, public statement to Attorney General Garland and other law enforcement officers with the recommendation that the Department of Justice prosecute Trump and his accomplices. However, the committee has not yet decided. On Monday, committee Chair Bennie Thompson told reporters that the committee would not be making a criminal referral, but other members of the committee have pushed back on this.2 Public outrage over Trump’s criminal conspiracy could show that we demand not only information but action! The attorney general will make his own determination of the case, but if the committee has found legal wrongdoing, they should say so explicitly by formally handing over their findings and conclusions for the Department of Justice to take action.

The House committee investigating January 6 has amassed a complete and damning case about Donald Trump’s wide conspiracy, which led to the deadly insurrection. The committee should take one more step: Submit a criminal referral to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The committee has done important and compelling work bringing to light the truth about this historic and horrific set of events. But they shouldn’t stop there. While it is critical that we all learn the truth, we also have to act on it—and prosecute Trump and the members of his inner circle who were central to this coup attempt.
Some caution that a criminal referral from the committee would cloud any prosecution with the appearance of politics. But the opposite is true. The committee is bipartisan, and Liz Cheney, one of its Republicans, appears to be the most vocal supporter of making a criminal referral. It would be partisan to let MAGA Republican threats and scare tactics prevent the committee from fulfilling its duty to articulate the full range of the ongoing threat to American democracy.
If we don’t prosecute Trump, then the attempted coup following the 2020 election will end up being only a rehearsal for a next attempt, as people will see there are no consequences for attempting to overturn our elections.

Thanks for all you do.

–David, Alexis, Nakia, Justin, and the rest of the team


1. “A ‘sophisticated’ 7-part plan. ‘Slipping in people’s blood’: Takeaways from prime-time Jan. 6 hearing,” USA Today, June 10, 2022

2. “Jan. 6 Committee Says a Trump Criminal Referral Is Still on the Table,” Rolling Stone, June 14, 2022


Want to support MoveOn’s work? Donald Trump’s preparations for being able to steal the presidency in 2024 are well underway and include working to replace top election officials in battleground states with his own loyalists. Which is why MoveOn is doing something we’ve never done in our 23-year history: We’re launching a powerful, multimillion-dollar effort to defeat Trump-backed secretaries of state across the country and elect individuals who will count every vote and ensure fair elections.


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PAID FOR BY MOVEON . ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.



Food Revolution Network
The Need To GROW is available to view RIGHT NOW at this LINK.
Did you know that leading researchers tell us we’re losing topsoil so fast, we’re on course to run out of farmable soil in just 60 years?
Read that again.
At this rate, we’ll run out of food in the next couple of generations.
But, there IS hope.
And that’s what The Need To GROW is about.
It’s a beautiful, urgent, and hope-filled story.
I know you want health for yourself and your loved ones.
And I know how much you care about our planet.
If we don’t think about the big picture and act now — life as we know it will be gone forever.
Yes, it’s that dire.
We want you to know there are real solutions that are scientifically proven to work.
When you watch the film, you’ll see what they are. It’s positively mind-blowing.
I’ve always felt that the best way to change the world is with a powerful story. And award-winning actress Rosario Dawson’s narration takes this one to another level.
The underdog heroes in this film resonate with what more and more people want…

    • Accessing natural, non-GMO, unprocessed foods to improve health, energy, and prevent disease.
    • Reversing climate change and environmental devastation.
    • Saving bees, butterflies, and ocean creatures from extinction.
    • Ending the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Healthy food, water, soil, and air for all creatures.
Hundreds of thousands of people have already watched this film — and it’s already helping to inspire the change we need to see.
Thank you for joining us for this free 4-day screening of The Need To GROW and for caring about the future of life on our precious planet.
The Need To GROW is available to view RIGHT NOW at this LINK.
Remember, it is only available for you to watch for free for the next four days!
Thank you for joining us,
Rob Herring
Director/Producer (with Ryan Wirick), The Need To GROW
Brought to you by Earth Conscious Films & Food Revolution Network
P.S. My co-director, Ryan Wirick and I are thrilled to share The Need To GROW with you. For this free screening, we partnered with Food Revolution Network, an organization that’s leading the way to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all.
We can’t wait to hear what you think!


  • The Strength Of Our Nation Is Directly Proportional To The Health Of Our People”


  •  Conversely The Health Of Our People Is Directly Proportional To The Health Of The Soil..healthy soil creates healthy plants, healthy plants create healthy people…




A Public Service Announcement From The LIGHTPARTY.COM

Healing & Meditation for Our beautiful Planet with The Absolute Board of  Knowledge EVERY TUESDAY 1 HR. at 5:00 PT,  Meeting ID: 480 395-7333   

A Public Service Announcement From The LIGHTPARTY.COM

Healing & Meditation for Our beautiful Planet with The Absolute Board of  Knowledge EVERY TUESDAY 1 HR. at 5:00 PT,  Meeting ID: 480 395-7333   

CHRIST Full Moon Initiation Tuesday, June 14, live from Mt Shasta

CHRIST Full Moon Initiation

Dear guardians of Mother Earth,

Join us live this Tuesday, June 14, live from Mt Shasta to receive a transmission of Divine Plan and Will during the powerful time of the Christ Full Moon Festival. This is a meditative experience so be prepared to spend about an hour in blissful meditation. Join us live on Youtube or watch replay any time.


The higher interlude of the spiritual year culminates in the Gemini full moon – in a Festival which celebrates the spiritual potential of humanity to unify the personal will with the Will of God. On this day the Christ stands before God as the representative of humanity, the “eldest in a great family of brothers,” and focalises the united aspiration of humanity into an invocative demand for more Light and Love. Through Christ, the response of deity pours forth into humanity, uplifting human consciousness and establishing a culture of goodwill and right human relations on Mother Earth.

Tuesday, June 14

11am PT – 2pm ET – 7pm UK – 8pm CET

With love,


The Earth Prayer for Peace

The Earth Prayer for Peace

By Amethyst Freeman

The following prayer is given as a gift of love for all people on earth and from every spiritual belief to use by their own free will, with the hope that it will help to create a world of peace with freedom between all people on earth in a common bond of communication, understanding, sharing, community and abundance.

 We Claim the Earth for Light and Love and Peace with Freedom …

The Call:

Beloved Heavenly Father-Mother God, Beloved seven mighty Archangels and

Angels of Peace and Freedom, Cosmic forces of the Christ Consciousness and the Divine Mother, Ascended beings of light, love and truth we call for your assistance at this time on Earth. We call as one united voice saying we will not allow our earth and her people to be taken on a downward spiral of terrorism, war, chaos and disintegration. The “Call and Prayer Compels the Answer” and we offer the following prayer so that the earth and her people may now enter a golden age in a harmonious manner, living lives of peace with freedom and understanding, community, sharing and abundance. 

The Prayer:

We claim the earth so that we may be, Free for Love and light and victory. In one united voice we call, Peace, love light and freedom for one and all. We do not seek violent ways,

By war and bloodshed as in former days. We invoke golden, pink and violet rays of peace, On angels’ wings of mercy and healing rays comes Earth’s release.

We call to heaven’s hosts, angels of light, love and truth, Come to Earth with millions of legions, We welcome you. Transmute all plots and plans of terrorism and war, And in their place, love, light and harmony our earth restore.

Blaze the light through, Blaze the love through, Transmute acts of terrorism and plans for war. No more, no more, no more, Thus far no farther, thus far no farther, thus far no farther, Peace be still, Peace be still, Peace be still, Blaze the light through, Blaze the love through, Purify all on earth and Earth’s peace restore. We claim peace with freedom, Our divine expression so true, Of love, light and sharing and community too. A golden age now manifest for all humanity, All for one and one for all, living harmoniously.

To heaven’s hosts and angels of love, light and truth, With heartfelt gratitude, we offer thanks to you. Guide, guard and protect us in the coming days, So we may live our lives in peace and freedom’s way. (Give 3x)

We accept that the “Call and Prayer Compels the Answer” and ask for it to be sealed in our hearts and the heart of the Divine Mother of Peace and the Cosmic Christ of Love. Thy will be done. Amen or So be it.

“The Earth Prayer for Peace” is given as a gift of love to all people of the Earth to use and may not be altered in any form. Permission is given to circulate freely, electronically or in print.

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Russell L. Blaylock MDThis remarkable essay uncovers and exposes the deliberate implementaion of MEDICAL, CORPORATE, “SCIENTIFIC” FASCISM..

This remarkable essay uncovers and exposes the deliberate implementaion of MEDICAL, CORPORATE, “SCIENTIFIC” FASCISM…
 This is most comprehensive essay yet on the profound systemic outrageous corruption, distortions, manipulations,  lies and outright criminality Re: THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC/PLANNEDDEMIC!
This is is an exhaustive highly researched essay of profound significance/ importance which urges all of us to understand this unprecedented  fraud which is undermining the health and welfare of Humanity!!
Da Vid Raphael MD 

Lightparty PSA

Related image
This remarkable essay uncovers and exposes the deliberate implementaion of MEDICAL, CORPORATE, “SCIENTIFIC” FASCISM…
 This is most comprehensive essay yet on the profound systemic outrageous corruption, distortions, manipulations,  lies and outright criminality Re: THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC/PLANNEDDEMIC!
This is is an exhaustive highly researched essay of profound significance/ importance which urges all of us to understand this unprecedented  fraud which is undermining the health and welfare of Humanity!!
Da Vid Raphael MD