Temple of Sacred Alchemy
An Activity of Light dedicated to the
Advancement of Humanity into an Age of Freedom, Enlightenment and Peace
Celebrating the 22nd Year Anniversary of the Temple of Sacred Alchemy,
6 Years of Global Healing Forums & Ongoing Service to Awakening Souls Worldwide!
June Global Healing Forum
A significant keynote address and
Gift from Higher Realms at a crossroad point on Earth for us all
$33 Suggested Donation with 100% Going to the Global Healing Ministry
Includes Free Replay to Listen over 33 Days!
Heralding in the Light of the New Dawn!
A Divine Solution to our Present Planetary Dilemma
Join us for another landmark Healing from the
Realms of Light with ongoing blessings over 33 days
Divine Assistance Begins the Moment Your Sign Up!
Anchor the Light of Your Quantum Self
Entering the Quantum Manifestation Field of Infinite Potential
to Live the Divine Life you are Meant For!
June Global Healing Forum
Majestic Presence Activation
A Timely Remedy for Awakening Souls
from the Dwellers of Inner Earth
June 11, 2022 – 11am PT/2pm ET
The Majestic Presence is now being activated in Awakening Ones across the Earth, who in having come to demonstrate this Quantum Shift for the Souls of Earth, are now ready to stand fully aligned in the truth of who they are. Those blessed brethren who have been Keepers of the Flame for Earth Inhabitants have dwelt in Inner Earth Retreats, assisting quietly behind the scenes. In our time, with so many awakening their inner sight, there is an ability to see and interact with those that dwell in a higher dimension on our planet. This then opens the door to an unprecedented timely assistance from Elders who have been watching our progress for a long time. Advancing souls can now partake of their ministry, activations, healings, clearings and knowledge. I am delighted that the Dwellers of Inner Earth are now bringing their offerings in our June Global Healing Forum, this just days before our Sacred Destiny Retreat in Mount Shasta over the Summer Solstice. The second one again by invitation from the Telosian Masters who dwell in Telos in Mount Shasta, we are looking forward to a mighty release and great positive changes for us all.
$33 Suggested Donation with 100% Going to the Global Healing Ministry
Includes Free Replay to Listen over 33 Days!
Initating the Global Healing Forums July 4, 2015, the Divine Ones requested reciprocity as this is a very special Sacred Healing Temple initatic healing experience. As you ‘enter the temple’ you bring your offering. In being present you receive so much!
Our monthly Global Healings continue off the charts,
catalyzing a soul acceleration that positively affects millions.
Receive the GHF and Activation audios each month for your personal library and
ongoing use plus up to 50% Discounts on Sessions, Programs & Retreats
Each Activation aligns us with our Highest Destiny Potential and the
Divine Transmissions alter timelines, transporting us to a more beneficent future.
A Message from Dwellers of Inner Earth
We who dwell in a higher frequency within the Earth plane have held focuses of light within key points on the planet throughout time. These Inner Earth dwellings provide us the means to ministergh to a planet and also engage in activities that uplifts the frequency of those living in the 3D world. In this time, we have become more actively engaged with those of Earth who are Awakening into their Quantum Selves and thus, through many alliances, we are finding that humanity as a whole is ready for this next Quantum Leap that is being demonstrated by the Great Awakening Ones in this time.
Your purpose is to uplift and inspire a planet into the higher ideal and manifest realities that allows harmonization at a quantum level affecting all life on Earth. The timetables of this transference have accelerated greatly in this time as no, more than ever before, many of you are rising into the awareness of your true identity. As this happens, sight is cleared and then we come more fully into view and are able to work directly with you to help you make that next leap in your soul evolution. That you came to Earth expressly for this purpose in this time then is part of the Great Plan we are fulfilling with you.
As within, so shall the outer being to out picture its greater magnificence as the Majestic Presence is fully awakened and the activation of its many faceted jewel like qualities come on line to be fully accessed by those ready to embody the truth of who they are. We, the Elder Brothers and Sisters have long waited this time and your presence with us. And now, the Great Transference has begun with everything upgraded in your life as your destiny takes you to the next level of your Awakened Self. We come with the Majestic Presence Activation right in time for this next evolutionary leap into the quantum field where all glory is the ever present reality even for dwellers in time and space.
The Healing Begins When You Sign Up!
$50 + Receive the GHF & Activation Audio for your home library.
Donate More Now. 100% goes directly to our Global Healing Mission.
Paypal will redirect you to the Welcome Page with Call in Details
If you have personal or financial circumstances preventing your ability to donate
Please Contact Us as No One Is Ever Turned Away
Aloha from the Oracle
Aloha Everyone! We have been witness to the most glorious Divine Healing Transmissions, Activations and Assistance from the Divine Sponsors of this Activity of Light for 6 years now, a tremendous testimony to the Divine Presence that is assisting us all in our Ascension into the Truth of who we are, which is transforming the world from within.
Coming together each month, we are changing this holographic field to a more glorious reality than what has been known on Earth for eons. That our future is now brighter as we rise into our Authentic Self and fulfill our Highest Destiny Potential is the most precious gift from these forums.
The Sacred Alchemy that is occurring for us all is a tremendous testimony to the times, as the darkness in the Earth is restored to Divine Patterns of Perfection, with so many dark potentials transformed that would have completely devastated our world creating turmoil in our lives. The Codes of Suffering in the DNA and psyche of humanity that has created untold misery on Earth is being erased in each Forum. Thank you for joining me and offering your valiant service to the Light month after month!
Transform Your Life Daily!
33 Healing Activation Collection
CDs or Download Audios
Now You Can Have Access to Divine Healing Transmissions 24/7!
This Collection includes 23 Divine Healing Transmissions from Global Healing Forums
as well 10 other Activation albums from the Realms of Light.
$699 (download 33 MP3 albums – a $1089 Value) – Buy Now
$888 (purchase 33 CD set – a $1089 Value) – Buy Now
International Customers: $699 – 33 Album Collection Download ($1089 Value) – Buy Now
$922 – 33 CD Collection ($1089 Value) – Buy Now
100% goes to our Global Healing Mission and is gratefully accepted!!!
Join Our Spiritual Alliance
A Divine Invitation to Fulfill a Sacred Destiny & Service!
Become a Member of our Community of Light!
This is a Gathering of Extraordinary Souls Across the World in an Unprecedented Spiritual Alliance with Hosts of Light under the Great Divine Plan Find Out More or Sign Up Now!
About The Oracle
Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD has been a Vessel of Healing and Voice of Positive Change since her teens when she was awakened to a planetary conscience, remembered her destiny on Earth, and received a Divine Sponsorship that has inspired her Global Healing Mission. Her brand of alchemy is the sacred sort, yielding a gold one can only discover within. Pioneering doctor and scientist, author and musician, entrepreneur and producer, mystic and healer, Aurora is a Renaissance woman for the New Millennium who cares deeply for our world and has given her life in service to the advancement of humanity. She holds a BA, MA and PhD in Psychology, over 38 certificates and degrees in Advanced Healing Modalities, and is a Kahuna in the Morna Simeona Lineage, the successor of Kahuna, Shaolin Grand Master Pang. Through her pioneering work in the psyche, she unlocked the codes of suffering and has set countless people free across the planet from what would have been life sentences of suffering in conditions that were once thought incurable, unchangeable or irreversible. Curing three incurables in herself and everything from addiction, patterns of abuse, mental illness, trauma, and other challenging conditions in others, she has trained many in the Art of Sacred Alchemy and how to attain freedom from the matrix of human programs creating havoc in this world. As an Oracle and Priestess of High Degree, she brings timely messages from the Realms of Light and helps recode the matter planes to Divine Perfection. See more now