Zodiac Geometry Symbalas By Lahrinda Fabulous Site!!

Divine Expression

Divine Expression

I’m sending you all a visual happiness wish for the New Year, 2022. I drew it in stages; then I realized after printing how it was sending a reminder that we are all special expressions of the Divine. I feel it’s so important, in these times when certain elements in our world are trying very hard to divide and diminish us, that we remember who we really are and that we have great strength together in love and resonance. Be well and happy and remember that joy, singing, hugging and loving are the greatest tools in our arsenal of health and spiritual growth.

With Joyous, Loving Resonance, Lahrinda

See a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Divine Expression‘.

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Introducing New Symbala For December, 2021

February 1st, 2022

Cascading Joy

What I love about this Symbala is the joyous momentum it gave me, which is reflected in how I named it. I didn’t plan it. The Symbalas always seem to pull me in to their own purpose. As I drew it, I felt the energy of a clear mountain stream bounding down a mountain slope. It embraced me in a rush of pure freedom and release. Even the word ‘cascade’ feels like a liquid intention of movement which invites others to join in the fun or expansion.

As I remember it, especially from my childhood, that was how I felt at this time of the year – swept up in the flood of beauty, joy and love! I truly appreciate this energy now for so many inner and outer reasons. My wish to all of you is for a similar heart-flood of ‘Cascading Joy’!

With Loving Resonance, Lahrinda

See a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Cascading Joy‘.

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Introducing New Symbala for November, 2021

February 1st, 2022

Releasing Resistance

People innerstanding the path to their ‘true power’ is so important any time, but in this time of huge changes it has never been so important. It’s not just societal structure that’s evolving; it’s we, as spiritual beings, that are evolving dimensionally to embrace the Golden Age. This journey towards peace and prosperity comes with many challenges, both inner and outer. The ability to release resistance and attachments will serve us well.

I drew this new Symbala with a ten–base geometry to represent the moving of man, a five-base geometry, into a higher resonance of self. With love the challenges spin out into the release of our ‘true power’.

With Loving, Releasing Resonance, Lahrinda

See a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Releasing Resistance‘.

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Featured Symbala of the Month, October 2021

October 16th, 2021

Joyously Becoming

This new Symbala is inspired by an energetic process that can lead to the ‘I Am’ presence.

Seven is the foundation number in the geometry of searching, becoming and process itself. Think of the 7 as a combination of the energies of the 3 plus the 4, like building a house. The 3 is the triangular roof of creative, seeking momentum, placed upon the 4 foundation helping to stabilize and give substance to the 7 house.

With its quality of being an uneven number not dividing equally into the 360 degrees of a circle or mandala (which results in a slight distortion in the drawing), 7 becomes a perfect vehicle for the off-center momentum of the seeking process.

Becoming is the spiritual expansion of you through the rainbow colors of your experiences. May this Symbala support you with your prismatic journey.

Loving Resonance With Our Journey, Lahrinda

See a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Joyously Becoming’:
Featured Symbala of the Month, October 2021.

See all past Symbalas of the Month:
Symbala of the Month Archive.


Posted by Lahrinda in Featured Symbala of the Month,Symbala Stuff,What’s New Comments Off on Featured Symbala of the Month, October 2021
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