Great em[powering Articles Worthy Of Your Time!!

In the 02/01/2022 edition:


Feb 01, 2022 04:05 pm
Dearest Ones you are all going through a change in your lives as you move forwards into a different dimension. Eventually you will reach a 5th Dimension of Love, Peace and Harmony. As you can imagine a part of humanity is not even close to living in this New World. Every single soul has the choice to be able to live in this new Dimension but some souls will have decided that they may need to learn more on another plane of existence. We are here to remind you that the main body of lightworkers and their families (even though they may not have woken up, yet so to speak) have contracted to stay on planet Earth at this time.
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Matt Kahn: You always have this – no matter what

Feb 01, 2022 03:53 pm
In every breath you take, love is always here. Throughout any personal encounter, love is always here. No matter what comes together or whatever is pulled apart, love is always here. In your greatest moment of achievement or even in your darkest hour of uncertainty, love is always here. Whether in the aftermath of tragedy or in the presence of your highest triumph, love is always here. When life is flowing, inspired, and harmonious, and even if it’s frustrating, annoying, painful, or inconvenient, love is always here.
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Jesus through John: Intend to be fully integrated within the field of Love

Feb 01, 2022 03:49 pm
The collective awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, so do not allow yourselves to be unduly disturbed by the less than uplifting stories that the MSM focuses on, and then publishes with monotonous regularity in order to spread fear and anxiety.  There is far more going on in the world, and of a far more uplifting nature, that is clearly indicating that your awakening is progressing quite beautifully.  The divine Will is always achieved, so release any doubts to which you may be clinging, even inadvertently.
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Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/29/2022 • One Soul at a Time

Feb 01, 2022 03:46 pm
My dear friends, we love you so very much, While your world focuses on death, we focus on life. When your world focuses on war, we focus on peace. When one of you focuses on hatred, we focus on the love trying to sprout beneath a hardened surface. Eternally, we hold the vision of the life you want to live and the version of earth that you all, mutually, want to create – one of harmony, well-being, kindness, peace, and tolerance.
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SaLuSa: The Mesh Of Time, War Rumors, Marian Fleet, Inevitable Fate, Portal 02/02

Feb 01, 2022 03:37 pm
The idea of a secure future where you can roam freely and have access to the most wonderful galactic technologies, travel through the Solar System and beyond, and see the eradication of all diseases from your planet seems far from happening in the minds of some. It is true that with the picture they are shown every day on their news, this really does seem like a utopian dream. For this reason, we have been calling all of you not to focus on what they try to deliver every day, so that you are not in low vibrations, but that you feed the good thoughts that will surely move the energies and take you to this most sublime reality, which is not mere utopia, but a truth that is in the lifting of the veils.
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James Gilliland: Phoenix Rising in The UFO Community

Feb 01, 2022 03:33 pm
It seems as if a nuke has been dropped on the UFO community. It is becoming like a reality show. Truth is, it has always been, like the show, Survivor with extreme competition, backstabbing with a jungle of traps and pitfalls. I call what is now unfolding the uncivil war. We wonder why we have not had contact within the UFO community. Why don’t the ETs land and join the conferences? Fact of the matter is contact with spiritually and technologically advanced beings on the whole has never been welcome. The good old boys club want to keep it nuts and bolts constantly bringing on their experts most of which have never even seen a UFO, had contact and are extremely jealous of anyone that has. There is also the extreme cover up of the fact that we have been going back and forth to the moon and mars since the 60’s and have been in contact as well as working with ETs before then with German technology.
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Judith Kusel: Entering the Age of Love

Feb 01, 2022 03:28 pm
We have entered the Age of Love, with the New Earth. It means the beautiful balance, harmony and inner wisdom which true love brings within us, and I am not talking about the love between a man and woman here. I am talking about the deepest marriage within, between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, within and thus the true balance, the harmony, the return to the androgynous state, of the All Being. We are in a state of immense transfiguration and as the Divine Feminine and the Holy Sophia are making their presence felt intensely now, we are being reminded that this is Age of the Heart and Soul, and indeed living, being, expressing unconditional Love, which is all-embracing, while living our innate Soul Wisdom, As ONE with the Divine Source.
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The Arcturian Council: On the Doorstep of Change

Feb 01, 2022 03:21 pm
Hello our dear ones. We are the Arcturians along with many members of the Arcturian Council. We are honored and delighted as always to connect with all of you. It is a privilege for us to not only witness humanity’s ongoing evolution, but to be a part of it in any way possible. You are truly at the precipice of a new era. It is as if though, you are at the doorstep of great change. But as you approach this doorstep, and the door begins to open, it shines upon you a new light, a light not seen or felt before. This new light, our dear ones, is bathing you in a universal love, in a universal light that will act for each of you as a catalyst, as a key, if you will, to help open you up to more and more energy, guidance, and information that is dawning upon your Earth at this time.
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